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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Let's get planting!

First, we have some catching up to do. The gardening season officially began last Sunday for us. My Smart Gardener To Do list said it was time to get planting! I had been planning what seeds and plants to buy all winter and all the orders had finally reached my green thumbs. I have spent countless hours planning my garden layout on Smart Gardener only to redo it a few days later. If you haven't tried out that site, I highly recommend it. It makes selecting plant varieties, planning the layout, and knowing when to plant super easy. Perfect for busy gardens and gardeners!

This year, I decided to attempt starting seeds indoors and bought a greenhouse (affiliate link) too. It is currently sitting in my living room in front of the window. Yes, my husband thinks I am crazy. However, given the winter snow storms we have endured this year, I wasn't ready to try this outside yet.

On the 9th, I filled my seed starting trays (affiliate link) with some fabulous organic soil and started planting.

Here is the list that was planted on the 9th:

Detroit Dark Red Beets
German Chamomile
Tango Lettuce
Granax Onion
Cal Wonder Peppers
White Sage
Crimson Sprinter Tomato
Red Brandywine Tomato
Red Cherry Tomato
Roma Tomato
Stupice Tomato

 On the 12th I planted:

Peruvian Yellow Zinnia
Yellow Coneflower/Echinacea
Lemon Balm

Overnight on the 12th, we received 6 inches of snow. For us, that is town paralyzing totals!

Imagine my surprise when I woke up to seedlings sprouting on the morning of the 13th!

Then just 12 hours later, I discovered this:

My seedlings seem to be pretty happy there so far. So, who is crazy now?!

Rounding out the plantings for the rest of the week:

Boysenberry (bare root)
Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry (bare root)
Ground Cherry
Sweet Marjoram
French Thyme

Green Arrow Peas
Bouquet Dill

Sadly, I did have some casualties too. I discovered that I had planted the White Half Runner Beans a full month too early. Since the plan is to have them use the corn as a trellis, allowing them to sprout now was not going to work. I made the decision to pull the bean seeds out and seed the peas in those spots instead. I will plant the beans at the appropriate time later in March.

That rounds out the first week!

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